DMSFI Cultural Diversity Day - The Official Davao Medical School Foundation, Inc. Website


DMSFI Cultural Diversity Day

May 14, 2024

ANNOUNCEMENT || In celebration of Cultural Diversity Day on May 15, 2024, the Office of Student Affairs, in cooperation with the Supreme Student Government, is requiring all members of the DMSFI Community to wear APPROPRIATE cultural attire for the event.

To wit:
1. Filipinos shall wear traditional Filipino attire, ethnic, and other related fashion and clothing.
2. Indians shall wear traditional Indian attire/clothing.
3. Other nationalities shall wear appropriate attire that will represent their own culture and nationality.
The wearing of attire for the said event shall replace the regular school and office uniforms on the day of the event, except for those doing their hospital duties and RLE inside the campus.
For questions about attendance to the program, kindly refer to the Office of Student Affairs.
Please be guided.