Research Services - The Official Davao Medical School Foundation, Inc. Website

Research Services

Research Ethics Committee (REC) Review

The Research Ethics Committee (REC) of Davao Medical School Foundation, Inc. is responsible in ensuring the protection of the rights, safety, and well-being of human subjects involved in health related research and providing public assurance of that protection. To submit papers for ethics review, please email

Biosafety/Biosecurity Committee Review

The Biosafety/Biosecurity Committee of Davao Medical School Foundation, Inc. is responsible in ensuring that research conducted with biological materials is consistent with regulatory requirements, Davao Medical School Foundation, Inc. policy and prudent safe practices for working with these materials. To submit papers for biosafety/biosecurity review, please email together with a copy of summarized Introduction and Methods section of the research proposal and completed filled-up form of Biorisk Protocol Registration. Please see attachment.

Biorisk Protocol Registration Form