Requesting and Applying Documents
Existing Students
- Applying for Student Visa
- Applying for documents needed for Medical Council of India (MCI)
- Applying for Bank Loan/Educational Loan, Income Tax use, Reference copy or for Scholarship
- Applying for documents needed to travel back to home country
- Applying for Transfer/ Leaving for Good
- Applying for certified copy of school documents
Graduating Students
Student Lists
Applying for Adding and Dropping of Subjects
Adding and dropping of subjects are only allowed within one (1) week after enrolment.
Dropping of subjects after one week of enrolment will mean paying the cost of the subjects for the whole semester
Students who will add/drop a subject should secure a PRN from their respective Dean’s Offices.
With the PRN, the student will proceed to the Registrar’s Office to secure in three (3) copies the adding/dropping form.
Student to seek approval from the Dean, OSA and Registrar
Submit the signed form to the Registrar’s Office, Deans Office and Finance.
Applying for Opening of Subject Offering
Opening of subjects are only allowed for the following reasons:
- a) It is needed for a student who is graduating.
- b) It is a pre-requisite of a subject a graduating student need to take in order to finish the course.
- c) For a transferee who wants to have a regular status during a certain period.
The student will write a request letter address to the Dean to offer a subject due to reason/s stated above.
Upon approval, the Dean will write a letter to the Registrar requesting to open the subject/s requested.
The same letter will be submitted to the Finance Office to determine the cost /fee of offering the subject/s.
Once the fee is determined, and the student agrees to the cost, the approved letter will be brought to the Registrar’s Office for opening of subject/s in the SIS.
Applying for withdrawal from enrolment
Student to submit an explanation letter to the Dean his/her intention to withdraw. The letter has to sign both by the student and the parent.
Seek approval from the Dean
With the approved letter by the Dean, the student will secure a school clearance form from the Registrar’s Office.
The student to secure the signatures of the different offices in three copies.
Submit the signed form to the Registrar, Cashier and to the Dean’s Office
Note: Withdrawal has to be applied before midterm. Kindly refer to the student handbook for the specific schedule and implication of paying for school fees. Withdrawal applied before midterm will bear a “withdrawn” mark in the TOR, while withdrawal applied after midterm will have a ”failed” mark in the TOR.
Applying for Leave of Absence
(LOA – Leave of Absence or Temporary discontinue of Studies must not take more than Two consecutive years)
Student to submit a letter to the Dean for temporary discontinue of studies. The letter has to be signed also by the Parent.
Once approved by the Dean, the same letter has to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
A clearance will have to be signed by the respective offices.
The approved letter and the clearance will be kept by the Registrar for record purposes and will be needed once the student applies for re-enrolment.
Student Clearance Slip (Exam Permit)
(All students must secure Clearance from the Registrar’s Office before Finals)
Students to secure two (2) copies of student clearance slip from the Registrar’s Office
Fill-in the clearance slip correctly
Have it signed as indicated
Follow the order in securing signature as indicated in the form
Proceed to the cashier for payment and for the issuance of exam permit.
Submit a copy of the student clearance slip to the Records-In-charge at the Registrar’s Office